Falls back, and leans against the refrigerator, hugging the black lace shawl tighter around her shoulders. "Why should you care what the neighbors say. "And so that bothers you?" He frowns at her, and nods in disbelief, the single lock of wet hair lying carelessly across his forehead. Half the town will be talking about me by the end of the day."

And I'd be dancing on a Saturday morning wearing this dress in full view of everybody. "Oh come on, what difference does it make?' I'll be the laughing stock of Birch Drive. "But why not? It's a beautiful day and the porch is clear and wide and sunny." Leading the way into the kitchen, he starts to open the door out to the deck. He stands, holds the guitar by the neck in one hand. It's a plot to make you come back and never leave again." "And so why did you wait until today to look this way for me? Is this a plot to make me cancel the trip?" At the sight of her in the dress, though, he stops. And playing something too fast to dance to.

Wrapping herself in the shawl once more, she walks to the middle of the bedroom floor. Stepping barefoot into her high-heeled tap shoes, she crouches down, ties the satin ribbons that close them tight over her feet. She smacks him playfully and turns to her closet.